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Driver Router Scientific Atlanta 2320

  1. Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300

Hi there, I have a Atlanata DPC2100 connecting a cable broadband internet service via ethernet cable to my computer.I want to set up a wireless network.does that mean that the 2100 becomes obsolete or do i connect something else to the 2100 to achieve this.this information is completely lacking in the 2100 guide and instructions. Thanks.For a computer idiot this question should be answered in youe advice, dont you think, because its the first thing that someone wants to do after their internet provider has fobbed them off with a non-wireless set-up!!!! @:Sorry I honestly don’t even know what a 36 console is.

Do you mean a 36″ console TV? Since you don’t have a router, I’m guessing you’re plugging the modem directly into your Xbox? Which leads to me these two questions:1. Has the modem ever worked while hooked up to a PC?2. Who is your ISP? Some of them will lock a modem to only work with a specific MAC address, and since your modem was (or may have been?) plugged into a PC, now you need to get the ISP to “allow” the Xbox’s MAC address.Hope this helps –Ross.

Hey Michael would i did was bought a cheap wireless router and hooked it up to my computer if you get one it is really easy to do just follow the steps, if you want to use an ethrnet cabel just hook it up from your xbox to the router its really easy i bought a router for $30 came home and was playing Call Of Duty 4 in 15minutes belive me I dont know alot about computers so but a wirless router at future shop for $30 its your best bet when u get xbox live whats your gamer tag ill tell u mind laterHope this helps You. I currently have this modem and I can tell you all mostly what you need to know. First this is a simple good design for this modem but the quality of completly crap.

I do have to unplug it atleast 2 or 3 times a day in order to restart it to get a proper internet connection because it gets too hot too easily, especially if you are a gamer. If you don’t have the installation cd it is virtually impossible to locate the drivers for the usb connection so if you cannot use it through ethernet port then you may as well return it. The modem is obsolete so they do not manufacture this model anymore so they do not provide support for it and it sucks. Alguien me puede explicar como puedo conectar 2 pc con este modem? En realidad, como puedo configurar las 2 pc para que ambas tengan internet.Una de ellas no tiene placa de red, y la conecto por puerto USB.

La otra si tiene.Es posible conectar 1 pc por puerto USB y la otra por cable ethernet, o placa de red?Siempre anda solo una maquina.He cambiado la direccion ip y me figuran las 2 conectadas, pero 1 no se conecta en realidad. Me explico?perdonen mi ignorancia. Jejealguien que me pueda responder!saludos. I have a problem using My Bloody Linksys WRT54G2 Wireless Router and Cable Modem with Rogers Cable.Here is my setup.3 Computers wired in the router.( 2 computer = Windows XP and the other computer Windows Vista Home Premium )Rogers Cable Modem – Scientific Atlanta DPC2100R2 Cable ModemComputer #1 – Wired Connected – Windows XP Home – Service Pack 3Computer #2 – Wired Connected – Windows XP Home – Service Pack 3Computer #3 – Wired Connected – Windows Vista Home – Service Pack 1PS3 WirelessNintendo Wii Wireless1.

Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300

All my computers are able to connect to the internet. ( SOMETIMES )Most of the times it keeps dropping my wireless signal.Not dropping the signal to the other computers but dropping signal to the Rogers ModemPlease I need Help. I got this modem from my ISP, and I’m having problems maintaining a connection. I have been told by the cable company that the reason I disconnect so much is because I have to run my cable off a 3-way splitter (one to the modem, the other two go to tvs), however, I’ve noticed that the internet cuts out ever 2-3 minutes for about one minute, over the course of several hours, mostly during the early afternoon and late morning. If the splitter were the cause, wouldn’t I cut out ALL the time?Note: Using my browser, it doesn’t cut out so much.

When I play games online (World of Warcraft, Total War, etc.) its very regular.Please, any information would be greatly appreciated. Hi, I noticed the comment from a few others about local IP address of the Cisco/Scientific Atlanta Cable Modem Modl RPC 2100. This local IP is useful to access the “admin page” of a modem from a PC on the same internal network.Soemone (Jimmy) said that the local IP was (the same as the Motorla cable modem.However that address dpes not bring up any web-page interface. I can PING that address from the router which I have connected to the cable modem.Jimmy correctled that web-page address, to be:-But thgis does not work either, and ai cannot PING from it attached router.Any ideas how to access the admin web-page of this cable modem?Thanks,Stan.

Driver Router Scientific Atlanta 2320DriverScientific

Hey,I have previously installed the driver, as I’m using it in my second computer with a USB cable, and it all worked fine. Suddenly today, I get a message saying that Windows (Vista) doesn’t recognize the USB device.

The modem is shown in the list of devices as ‘Unknown Device’. I re-downloaded the drivers from the official site and tried to update that ‘Unknown Device’, it responded saying the device already has the most up-to-date drivers.

I tried uninstalling it and installing it (even after rebooting), to no avail. I’m using Windows Vista (Home version) in a HP 6730s laptop. What can possibly be the problem?Thanks for your time,Bardhyl. I know that service through this modem is tricky (as I use one myself). I’ll give you guys some advice.First, make sure that when checking the IP of the device, you check the right IP address (

If you check, you’ll be checking a different piece of hardware (usually the first device on your router).As for how to tell where the issue is, for those using a router, there’s a simple tool built into windows. Go to startrun and type in “cmd” (without quotes). This will bring you to a command prompt screen.

Type in “tracert ” (again, without quotes) and hit enter. The first item you’ll see will be your router. The second will be your modem. The third should be the local hub. Anything after that is just a list of other routers your signal takes to get to Google’s website and can be ignored. If there’s asterisks at any point, the signal is getting lost at or before that point.I chose Google because of it’s speed and reliability.

After trying all of these, which all failed to yield any resultsI finally tried this one, which WORKED FOR ME:Pull down menu to Access level 2Password: W2402Press “return to main page”Now I’m just having trouble setting up. Again /wrists (//-). My home network/router.Most of this info I recieved from user Jimmy. Thank you very much for your help! The only problem with your comment(s) is that you listed the appropriate HTTP but your original IP address was the correct one, not the finalized one you listed.

I just combined the two.